Looping over a large XML file
I'm having problems looping over an XML file about 20-30 MB (650000 rows).
This is my meta-code:
<cffile action="READ" ile="file.xml" variable="usersRaw">
<cfset usersXML = XmlParse(usersRaw)>
<cfset advsXML = XmlSearch(usersXML, "/advs/advuser")>
<cfset users = XmlSearch(usersXML, "/advs/advuser/user")>
<cfset numUsers = ArrayLen(users)>
<cfloop index="i" from="1" to="#numUsers#">
... some selects...
... insert...
<cfset advs = annunciXml[i]["vehicle"]>
<cfset numAdvs = ArrayLen(advs)>
<cfloop index="k" from="1" to="#numAdvs#">
... insert... or ... update...
struct of xml file is (yes, is not very good :-)
开发者_如何学JAVA <vehicle>
After ~120,000 rows I get an error: "Out of memory".
How can I improve performance of my script?
How can I diagnose where there is max memory consumption?
@SamG is correct that ColdFusion XML parsing can't do it because of the DOM parser, but SAX is painful, instead use a StAX parser, which provides a much simpler iterator interface. See the answer to another question I provided for an example of how to do this with ColdFusion.
This is roughly what you'd do for your example:
<cfset fis = createObject("java", "java.io.FileInputStream").init(
<cfset bis = createObject("java", "java.io.BufferedInputStream").init(fis)>
<cfset XMLInputFactory = createObject("java", "javax.xml.stream.XMLInputFactory").newInstance()>
<cfset reader = XMLInputFactory.createXMLStreamReader(bis)>
<cfloop condition="#reader.hasNext()#">
<cfset event = reader.next()>
<cfif event EQ reader.START_ELEMENT>
<cfswitch expression="#reader.getLocalName()#">
<cfcase value="advs">
<!--- root node, do nothing --->
<cfcase value="advuser">
<!--- set values used later on for inserts, selects, updates --->
<cfcase value="user">
<!--- some selects and insert --->
<cfcase value="vehicle">
<!--- insert or update --->
<cfset reader.close()>
orangepips provides a reasonable solution. Please take a look at Ben Nadel's solution for handling very large XML files in ColdFusion. I have tested his approach on a 50MB XML file with 1.2 million lines. Ben uses a similar approach that orangepips provides here -- stream it using Java, then XMLParse each node in ColdFusion to get to the goods. Check it out -- like most of Ben Nadel's code and tutorials, it just works.
I believe the Cold Fusion XML Parser uses DOM Parsing, which is not suitable for such file sizes. You should try and find a SAX parser, which are event driven. Maybe this link will help http://coldfusion.sys-con.com/node/236002
I don't know ColdFusion, but 20-30Mb is not out of range for technologies that build an in-memory tree; many people are routinely running XSLT transformations on 200Mb files.
Moving to SAX parsing sounds like an extreme measure - it's such a low-level interface.