convert large number to spoken english
Converting 'small' numbers to English is not to troublesome. But if you handle BCMath Arbitrary Precision numbers then it can be.
开发者_Python百科Using code from:
The maximum number seems to be:
two billion one hundred forty seven million four hundred eighty three thousand six hundred forty seven
Anyone know a function to convert numbers bigger than that?
You have to write your own function, I suggest to use numbers as a string, let a substract like this:
$string = "12356";
// level means 0-ones, 1- thousand , 2 million, 3 billion etc...
//until string has no character left
while ($len=getval($string)){
// get partial number from 0 to 999
$string_partial = substr($string, (strlen($string)-$len)) ;
// get hundreds
$hund = ($string_partial - ($string_partial % 100))/100;
// get tens
$tens = $string_partial - ($hund *100);
$tens = ($tens - ($tens %10))/10;
// get ones
$ones = $string_partial - ($tens*10) - ($hund*100);
// remove partial_string form original string
$string = substr($string, 0, (strlen($string)-$len));
// edbug echoing
echo $level . " - " . $hund. " - " . $tens . " - " . $ones . "<br>";
// you need to create a function that convert number to text only from 0 to 999 to set correct million/thousand etc, use $level.
//$text = getTextvalue($hund,$tens,$ones,$level).$text;
//increment $level
function getval($n){
switch (strlen($n)){
case 0: return false;
case 1: return 1;
case 2: return 2;
default: return 3;
$string = "123456789";
will output
$level - $hund - $tens - $ones
0 - 7 - 8 - 9
1 - 4 - 5 - 6 //thousand
2 - 1 - 2 - 3 //million
For numbers larger than PHP_MAX_INT
, you'll have to either write the function on rely on an external service, such as WolframAlpha.
The only functionality PHP offers for this is Intl's NumberFormatter
. NumberFormatter::format
accepts floats, but this means it can only handle integers up to 2^63-1 in 64-bit long architectures or 52-bit numbers in 32-bit ones.
I wrote the vpi2english function to handle integers as large as 10^306 - 1. It is part of my VPI toolbox.
ans =
twelve quadrillion, one hundred ten million, twenty two thousand, nine hundred eighty seven