
iPhone Crash Log: how to figure out what is wrong

I'm not a developper, but a user of an iPhone (3GS, iOS 4.1, Jailbroken) which started to crash randomly last week on several app. If I'm right, it crashes randomly when I tap on the keyboard (texting, sending an email, search on Google...), so that's why the 开发者_开发问答crash happens on several app I guess.

By crashing I mean: - Either, the app close itself (Safari.app, Mail.app...) - Or, the SpringBoard crash and the iPhone go on SafeMode

What I did before it started to crash: - Weeks ago, I installed a Cydia Tweak to setup a Frecnh Keyboard, tweak I uninstalled after it started to crash, thinking it was because of it, but apparently it wasn't - I installed a .deb manually with Cydia, everything went well - I modified the /dpkg/status file in order to prevent Cydia from asking me for an app update, everything went well too (besides some description line which I had to delete)

Here are 2 Crash Log: http://pastie.org/private/nuncku1absv3frk5f4tva


=> They talk about UIKit, does anybody know what is wrong and what should I do to fix the crash? I tried to look for on Google, bu I didn't find anything unfortunately...

Thank you very much for your help!


Correct answer:

Get the package "Crashreporter" from Cydia (BigBoss Repo).

For Springboard crashes, you can ignore the warning at first start.

Select the most recent crashlog, wait a moment for the analysis.

The most likely suspect for the crash will be displayed first.

Get rid of that package, and retry.





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