Dynamically add facebook like button using jquery
How can i dynamically add facebook like button using jquery? I'm planning to have a gallery and want to add开发者_JS百科 add like buttons under every image? I've tried this but it doesn't render anything: $('.share_button').append("(fb:like layout='button_count' font='tahoma')(/fb:like)") where share_button is a classname of div tag that will contain the like button.
Thanks in advance, Ivan
First of all, it should be:
$('.share_button').append("<fb:like layout='button_count' font='tahoma'></fb:like>")
Then, you should add this line:
However, I suggest you to use ID instead of class, or the codes above will parse all nodes containing class .share_button
You also should have
and after you should parse FB tags that you add after page was loaded. It was previously answered here on SO