
jQuery Appended elements with href and javascript doesn't work

So I'm appending some elements with jQuery that contain href that calls another script when the anchor is clicked, but doesn't work; here's an example:


    function () {

        $("#dedos_voto", this).append($("<span id=\"commentup\" class=\"vote_up\"><a href=\"javascript:;\" ><img src=\"/mimg/comment/csthumbup.png\" /></a><?php echo $utilchido;?></span>"));



So as you can see the anchor has an href that calls another script, here's the other script:


    //get the id
    the_id = $("div.un_comentario").attr('id');

            type: "POST",
            data: "action=vote_up&id="+$("div.un_comentario").attr("id"),
            url: "votacomment.php",
            success: function(){alert("Gracias, el voto se ha agregado.");



So the script only works if the elements are in the html markup, but not if the elements are appended with jQuery.

Any suggestion开发者_开发知识库?

you are dynamically adding the href links to the DOM use .live()


//rest of your logic


The two above answers are correct, but I also recommend don't use href=\"javascript:;\" in the anchor, instead add a return false; at the end of the jQuery function.

I use this site for best practices with JavaScript http://www.javascripttoolbox.com/bestpractices/#onclick (I am directing you to the part about anchors but the whole page is worth a read)

.live() is long since deprecated (removed in 1.9), can we stop recommending it? The right approach is to use .on(), like this:

$("#span.vote_up").on("click", function(event){
    //do this

jQuery documentation for .on()

Also, neither the return false; or the suggestion of href=\"javascript:;\" are necessarily good answers... If you don't have an appropriate href to replace (then use event.preventDefault() to prevent default behaviour occuring), just use a more appropriate element...

You can use $("span.vote_up").live() instead of $("span.vote_up").click. This will bind the code to all span.vote_up elements which might get added to the DOM later.

I found this link helpful





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