
IE7 CSS - footer div moves when hovering certain links

When you hover over the top nav links (contact/donate/media) in IE7, the footer div comes up to the level of the sidebar.

I've tried: - Disabli开发者_StackOverflow中文版ng all scripts - Putting clear divs in footer - Setting height/min-height for the sidebar. - Removing the twitter/facebook widgets - Removing all the CSS stylings for the top navigation bar

Same problem. Any ideas?

I have had a problem similar to this a few years ago. What caused it for me:

  1. hovering over a link in a menu
  2. menu item changes size ever-so-slightly by adding a 1px border, creating an underline, becoming italicized, etc..
  3. new size of item caused the outside container to become a few pixels wider than the declared width
  4. footer/other content floats up because there are a few extra pixels OR
  5. something on the same height of the menu is kicked down a below the container-object and throws a wrench in the rest of the flow

Hope my experience helps!


Yes, I did fix it.. It was a mess, but basically involved going through each :hover selector and making sure that absolutely nothing changed -- except the colors involved. I also remember that I needed to re-declare and width: nnpx; height: nnpx; in the :hover selector.

Man! Love programming for old browsers!

Solution was to move the "navigation" div inside the "header" div.

Don't know why, just kept taking out divs by process of elimination.





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