
Spring in production

What is the best practice to make changes in beans.xml file in production environment?

Lets imagine Hello World application with one Interface and 2 Implementations. After creating jar and running JVM how can we change implementation in beans.xml without opening jar and reassembling it afterwards?

Is it any trick that permits having beans.xml outside the jar,开发者_JS百科 but without knowing the full file-system path?

On top of suggestion made by OrangeDog, I would suggest considering leaving the beans.xml inside your deployed application AND using the PropertyOverrideConfigurer mechanism.

Configure an override configurer to point to some fixed path outside of the application, something like /opt/configuration/something/override.properties would be ideal. If you can't use an absolute path, you can always try to play with file:../../.. style of paths. Then you can list only the changed values within the override.properties file.

Don't have the XML in a JAR. Your application should be deployed in at least a WAR, which the app server will probably "explode". The folder WEB-INF/classes will be added to the classpath. You can make changes to the exploded XML here and the app server should detect this and reload the app.


If you are using plain Java SE, you can use a system property to pass the location of the XML file. System.getProperty("property") in code and -Dproperty=value on the command line.





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