Create dynamic controls and bind to dataset
I've got a log file that can contain the same event (Verification) multiple times, i.e.:
ID: 001 Verification Result:
Verification Start: 05:42:34 Verification End: 07:12:52Verification Result:
Verification Start: 12:38:01 Verification End: 14:05:12I've dynamically created controls (a label and a TextBox or DateTimePicker) that displays this information to the user; what I want to know is how to bind these controls to my dataset in such a way that when written to the database, each verification is a new row associated with the same ID, i.e.:
UID | ID | Start | End
1 | 001 | 05:42:34 | 07:12:52
2 | 001 | 12:38:01 | 14:05:12
Codewise: I point the program a directory of logs, which are displayed in a checklistbox. On SelectedIndex change, I call the below:
void ParseImagerLogs(string source)
int i = 0;
//Log fields are parsed to a key/value pair
if (key.Equals("LogID"))
logIdTextBox.Text = value
if (key.Equals("VerStarted"))
//Date format ddd MMM dd HH:mm:ss yyyy is parsed to a useable format and
//saved as timeStart
verStartedDateTimePicker.Value = verTimeStart;
if (key.Equals("VerEnded"))
//Same parsing technique
verEndedDateTimePicker.Value = verTimeEnd;
//Work out the elapsed time
verTime - timeEnd.Subtract(timeStart).ToString();
//Pass the fields to a new method which dynamically generates the
GenerateVerificationFields(i, verStartedDateTimePicker.Value, verEndeDateTimePicker.Value, verTime.TextBox
//I have my first verification instance, so i++ and look for the next one.
private void GenerateVerificationFields(int amount, DateTime verStartval, DateTime verEndval, string verTimeval)
int i = amount;
int j = i + 1;
//Create groupBox
GroupBox groupBox = new GroupBox();
groupBox.Name = "verGroup" + i.ToString();
groupBox.Width = 430;
groupBox.Height = 120;
groupBox.Left = 5;
groupBox.Top = 42 + (groupBox.Height * i) + (10 * i);
groupBox.Text = "Verification #" + j.ToString();
//Create VerStart
DateTimePicker verStart = new DateTimePicker();
verStart.Name = "verStart" + i.ToString();
verStart.Width = 224;
verStart.Height = 22;
verStart.Location = new Point(160, 25);
verStart.DataBindings.Add(new Binding("Value", acqreports_testDataSet, "verification.VerStarted"));
verStart.Value = verStartval;
//Create VerEnded
DateTimePicker verEnd = new DateTimePicker();
verEnd.Name = "verStart" + i.ToString();
verEnd.Width = 224;
verEnd.Height = 22;
verEnd.Location = new Point(160, 55);
verEnd.DataBindings.Add(new Binding("Value", acqreports_testDataSet, "verification.VerEnded"));
verEnd.Value = verEndval;
//Create VerTime
TextBox verTime = new TextBox();
verTime.Name = "verTime" + i.ToString();
verTime.Width = 224;
verTime.Height = 22;
verTime.Location = new Point(160, 85);
verTime.Text = verTimeval;
//Create Ver Start label
Label lblVerStart = new Label();
lblVerStart.Name = lblVerStart + i.ToString();
lblV开发者_运维百科erStart.Text = "Ver Started: ";
lblVerStart.Location = new Point(5, 25);
//Create Ver End label
Label lblVerEnd = new Label();
lblVerEnd.Name = lblVerEnd + i.ToString();
lblVerEnd.Text = "Ver Ended: ";
lblVerEnd.Location = new Point(5, 55);
//Create Ver Time label
Label lblVerTime = new Label();
lblVerTime.Name = lblVerTime + i.ToString();
lblVerTime.Text = "Ver Time: ";
lblVerTime.Location = new Point(5, 85);
//Add created controls to groupBox
I then want to use the DateTimePickers and VerTime.Text to update a table with each verification event.
You got to construct the Data object exactly in the format you have mentioned in the table. Then you can bind it to your controls or dataset.