Change className for a component when a button is disabled using wicket?
For example:
<span class="button4">
<button wicket:id="saveButton" type="submit">
<wicket:message key="" />
From java code I set this button to be enabled or disabled, the problem is tha开发者_如何转开发t I don't know how to change the span className when button is disabled.
Wrap a WebMarkupContainer around your button
add(new WebMarkupContainer("spanId") {
add(new Button<String>("saveButton")){
[... button logic...]
<span wicket:id="spanId">
<button wicket:id="saveButton" type="submit">
<wicket:message key="" />
then add a new AttributeModifier("class",...) or AttributeAppender("class",...) to the WebMarkupContainer that uses the same logic as you use to disable the button.
var jSpan = $('#saveButton').parent();
jSpan.removeClass( 'button4' );
jSpan.addlass( someclass );
Here is the example code:
final Button button=new Button("buttn") {
public void onSubmit() {
button.add(new AttributeModifier("class", true, new Model<Serializable>() {
public Serializable getObject() {
if (button.isEnabled())
return "your_enabled_class";
else return "your_disabled_class";