
Check if primitive array contains another array

Is there any easy way to check if one array contains another array in Java?

Essentially, I want to do something like this:

private static final String NOT_ALLOWED;

public boolean isPasswor开发者_Go百科dOkay(char[] password){
    return new String(password).contains(NOT_ALLOWED);

...but without converting the password to a String, which Sun indicates could be a security risk. Is there a neater method than manually iterating over every element of the array?

If you use Guava, you can define a method like this:

public static boolean contains(final char[] array, final char[] target){
    return Chars.indexOf(array, target)>=0;


Chars.indexOf(char[], char[])

And if you don't want to use Guava, here's the merged version of my method and Guava's:

public static boolean contains(final char[] array, final char[] target){
    // check that arrays are not null omitted
    if (target.length == 0) {
      return true;
    for (int i = 0; i < array.length - target.length + 1; i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < target.length; j++) {
        if (array[i + j] != target[j]) {
          continue outer;
      return true;
    return false;

private static final String NOT_ALLOWED="...";

public boolean isPasswordOkay(char[] password){
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(password);
    boolean ret = sb.indexOf(NOT_ALLOWED) != -1;
    sb.replace(0, sb.length(), " ");
    return ret;

There is a solution that sounds like what you want at http://www.coderanch.com/t/35439/Programming/Intersection-two-arrays - Intersection is the maths-y term for this kind of thing!

I can't find anything that would do this. one option may be to use Apache Collections and use the ArrayUtils subarray methods to create sub-arrays and then compare on each one that you create, iterating through the original array.

new String(password).matches(".*["+NOT_ALLOWED.replace(']','\\').replace("\\","\\\\\")+"].*");

Beware... you have to escape some of your not allowed characters, like ] and \!





验证码 换一张
取 消

