
How to verify for new email using IMAP PHP? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here: Closed 12 years ago.

I found out a better way to do this: Check Gmail IMAP via PHP for new mesages in a loop

I use Google to administer my e-mails and I run Nginx + PHP. If I want to check incoming mail to interact with each message subject (to trigger an action), as far as I know, I have only two options: 1) access Google via IMAP PHP / cron job or 2) forward the messages to my server where I can have a subdomain set to pipe the messages to a PHP script. Frankly, I'd 开发者_如何学运维preffer the first option because I have already all the IMAP functions tested and done. And if the second solution is really the best, I'd preffer to use Postfix. However, id like some light from somebody who has already browsed this unknown waters. Thank you.

Zend Framework has pretty good IMAP support. Check out Zend_Mail_Storage_Imap: http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.mail.read.html

There are lots of other useful things in Zend_Mail. Remember, that you can use just the one class you need. You don't need to use the whole framework.





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