jQuery - Multiple links and multiple classes. Toggle on/off
I had this one problem yesterday and both solutions are here at the js section http://jsfiddle.net/6jm2s/22/
But now i have same problem ...except the classes that need to be removed are all different.
This should explain wha开发者_JS百科t i want... http://jsfiddle.net/YeWna/7/
Any thoughts?
Solution demo: http://jsfiddle.net/YeWna/16/
var klasses = $.map($(".links a"), function(elt) {
return $(elt).attr("class");
}).join(" ");
$(".links a").click(function(){
var link = $(this),
aBox = $(".aBox"),
klass = link.attr("class");
aBox.hasClass(klass) ? aBox.removeClass(klass) : aBox.removeClass(klasses).addClass(klass);
return false;
Try that (updated)