SQL update query using aggregate function and group by in where clause?
I have a table that holds listing information for housing properties. A property may be in the table multiple times, onc开发者_JAVA技巧e for every time it was listed. Here are the relevant columns:
ListingID <- primary key
I am trying to develop a query to update the EndDateTime for the most recent listing for every property in the table. The query will set the EndDateTime to the same value for every property.
I've tried a few approaches have been so far unsuccessful. How do I write such a query?
the following assumes ListingID is an auto_incrementing primary key:
update PropertyListing p
inner join
max(ListingID) as ListingID,
group by
) latest on latest.ListingID = p.ListingID
p.ListingEndDateTime = now();
This allows multiple listings for the same property per date, the latest ListingID in such cases will be used. Otherwise, the latest date alone will identify the listing.
# create table PropertyListing(ListingEndDateTime Int, PropertyID Int, ListingID Int);
update PropertyListing L
inner join
select Max(B.ListingID) MaxListingID
select PropertyID, MAX(ListingEndDateTime) MaxListingEndDateTime
from PropertyListing
group by PropertyID
) A
inner join PropertyListing B
on B.ListingEndDateTime = A.MaxListingEndDateTime and A.PropertyID = B.PropertyID
group by B.PropertyID, B.ListingEndDateTime
) C on C.MaxListingID = L.ListingID
set L.ListingEndDateTime = CURDATE() + 7;
I have used CURDATE() + 7
arbitrarily, set it to whatever date you need for all the records.
Might need tweaking, but you get the general idea (SQL Server 2005 onwards):
WITH cteMostRecent (PropertyID, ListingEndDateTime, rownum) AS
SELECT PropertyID, ListingEndDateTime,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY PropertyID ORDER BY ListingEndDateTime DESC) as rownum
FROM MyListingTable
UPDATE cteMostRecent
SET ListingEndDateTime = someDate
WHERE rownum = 1