
Recommendation Engines for Java applications [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.

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I was wondering if there is any open source recommendation engine available? It should suggest something like Amazon and Netflix. I have heard of a framework called Apache Mahout - Taste. I am trying it next week. It would be great if you can share your valuable thoughts.

I'm the developer of Mahout / Taste, and hope it will do what you need, but in the interest of balanced coverage, let me also point you at:

  • Duine
  • CoFE
  • Cofi

Apache Mahout is the only one I have found for this area (I have been looking recently too).

Though Weka may also be an option.

I had to work with open source recommendation systems and these are the ones that I found:

Duine, Apache Mahout, OpenSlopeOne, Cofi, SUGGEST and Vogoo.

More details:

Apache Mahout constitutes a Java framework in the data mining area. It has incorporated the Taste Recommender System, a collaborative engine for personalized recommendations.

Vogoo is a PHP framework that implements an collaborative filtering recommender system. It also presents a Slope-One code.

A Java version of the Collaborative Filtering method is implemented in the Cofi library. It was developed by Daniel Lemire, the creator of the Slope-One algorithms. There is also an PHP version available in Lemire's webpage.

OpenSlopeOne offers an Slope One implementation on PHP that cares about performance.

SUGGEST is a recommendation library made by George Karkys and distributed in a binary format.

I described everything I found out here on my blog: http://girlincomputerscience.blogspot.com.br/2012/11/open-source-recommendation-systems.html

hope it helps!

I just started using easyrec. The forums are not very active, though I did get my questions answered. Plus they have a demo server so you can test drive the recommendation tools without installing anything. I liked their javascript API and way to track recommendations of different types of items. Currently, they only support the slope one recommender--if you are looking for flexibility in this regard, mahout wins hands down (though you can write your own plugins for easyrec).

lenskit seems another good recommendation engine in Java, provided by the grouplens team.

If you're looking more for the raw engine, rather than something specifically configured for amazon or netflix, then Minion provides 'document similarity measures'.





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