
What are some tips for someone transitioning to SharePoint 2010 from ASP.NET?

I have mostly worked with ASP.NET WebForms and more recently MVC. I am now starting the long journey of moving over to SharePoint 2010 development and would love to learn from your experiences.

I ran across a great article last night for people like me making the move: http://reddevnews.com/articles/2011/02/01/making-the-sharepoint-transition.aspx. I think one of the best tips I read is not to think of SharePoint in terms of pages, but resources. If you're plugging in static web pages, rather than reusable webpa开发者_如何学运维rts, you're not doing it the "SharePoint way".

What advice/tips do you have for the developer transitioning from the ASP.NET Web Application world to SharePoint Development?

  • Brush up on your WebForms knowledge, your MVC skills probably won't matter much

  • Learn the CAML schema like the back of your hand http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms467521.aspx

  • Put in requests for x64 hardware sooner rather than later.

It may be useful to start with videos at Microsoft SharePoint Developer Center http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint/aa905692

It was my start point :)





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