How to populate a cursor during execution
I am currently trying to populate a cursor in the procedure.
like that :
Function notImportantFunction
variable nothing(20);
Cursor notImportantCursor Is select...;
Cursor THEcursor;
open notImportantCursor;
open THEcursor;
FETCH notImportantCursor 开发者_如何学运维variable;
EXIT WHEN notImportantCursor%NOTFOUND;
THEcursor is select ...; //trying to populate THEcursor
end loop;
close THEcursor;
close notImportantCursor;
i've used weird name for my variable just to show the only important one here is THEcursor.
is what i'm trying even possible? or, how would I be able to do the same in another way.
thank you in advance
I think what you are asking for is "Can I create a cursor based on a query that I don't have to define when I declare the cursor" If thats what you want, then look here for information about dynamic sql.
Dynamic SQL
There is a perfect example in the section Referencing Database Objects that Do Not Exist at Compilation.
You can recreate the cursor each time, however you want.
If you need something a little more flexible, like creating a cursor that holds three values in each record and you want to populate those values in different ways, you could look for pipelined table functions
I'm not quite sure what you're trying to do - populate a cursor? A cursor is based on a query, so how do you plan to populate that? Maybe you want to populate a table based on a cursor? You can do that by accumulating the cursor results into a collection then using a bulk-insert to populate the table.