
Dependency injection: templates (/generics) or virtual functions?

This is a question of curiosity about accepted coding practices. I'm (primarily) a Java developer, and have been increasingly making efforts to unit test my code. I've spent some time looking at how to write the most testable code, paying particular attention to Google's How to write untestable code guide (well worth a look, if you haven't seen it).

Naturally, I was arguing recently with a more C++-oriented friend about the advantages of each language's inheritance model, and I thought I'd pull out a trump card by saying how much harder C++ programmers made it to test their code by constantly forgetting the virtual keyword (for C++ers - this is the default in Java; you get rid of it using final).

I posted a code example that I thought would demonstrate the advantages of Java's model quite well (the full thing is over on GitHub). The short version:

class MyClassForTesting {
    private final Database mDatabase;
    private final Api mApi;

    void myFunctionForTesting() {
        for (User u : mDatabase.getUsers()) {

    MyClassForTesting ( Database usersDatabase, Api remoteApi) {
        mDatabase = userDatabase;
        mRemoteApi = remoteApi;

Regardless of the quality of what I've written here, the idea is that the class needs to make some (potentially quite expensive) calls to a database, and some API (maybe on a remote web server). myFunctionForTesting() doesn't have a return type, so how do you unit test this? In Java, I think the answer isn't too difficult - we mock:

/*** Tests ***/

 * This will record some stuff and we'll check it later to see that 
 * the things we expect really happened.
ActionRecorder ar = new ActionRecorder();

/** Mock up some classes **/

Database mockedDatabase = new Database(ar) {

    public Set<User> getUsers() {
        ar.recordAction("got list of users");
        /* Excuse my abuse of notation */
        return new Set<User>( {new User("Jim"), new User("Kyle")} );

    Database(ActionRecorder ar) {
        this.ar = ar;

Api mockApi = new Api() {

    public void updateUserData(User u) {
        ar.recordAction("Updated user data for " + u.name());

    Api(ActionRecorder ar) {
        this.ar = ar;

/** Carry out the tests with the mocked up classes **/
MyClassForTesting testObj = new MyClassForTesting(mockDatabase, mockApi);

// Check that it really fetches users from the database
assert ar.contains("got list of users");

// Check that it is checking the users we passed it
assert ar.contains("Updated user data for Jim");
assert ar.contains("Updated user data for Kyle");

By mocking up these classes, we inject the dependencies w开发者_如何学运维ith our own light-weight versions that we can make assertions on for unit testing, and avoid making expensive, time-consuming calls to database/api-land. The designers of Database and Api don't have to be too aware that this is what we're going to do, and the designer of MyClassForTesting certainly doesn't have to know! This seems (to me) like a pretty good way to do things.

My C++ friend, however, retorted that this was a dreadful hack, and there's a good reason C++ won't let you do this! He then presented a solution based on Generics, which does much the same thing. For brevity's sake, I'll just list a part of the solution he gave, but again you can find the whole thing over on Github.

template<typename A, typename D>
class MyClassForTesting {
        A mApi;
        D mDatabase;

    public MyClassForTesting(D database, A api) {
        mApi = api;
        mDatabase = database;


Which would then be tested much like before, but with the important bits that get replaced shown below:

class MockDatabase : Database {

class MockApi : Api {

MyClassForTesting<MockApi, MockDatabase> 
    testingObj(MockApi(ar), MockDatabase(ar));

So my question is this: What's the preferred method? I always thought the polymorphism-based approach was better - and I see no reason it wouldn't be in Java - but is it normally considered better to use Generics than Virtualise everything in C++? What do you do in your code (assuming you do unit test) ?

I'm probably biased, but I'd say the C++ version is better. Among other things, polymorphism carries some cost. In this case, you're making your users pay that cost, even though they receive no direct benefit from it.

If, for example, you had a list of polymorphic objects, and want to manipulate all of them via the base class, that would justify using polymorphism. In this case, however, the polymorphism is being used for something the user never even sees. You've built in the ability to manipulate polymorphic objects, but never really used it -- for testing you'll only have mock objects, and for real use you'll only have real objects. There will never be a time that you have (for example) an array of database objects, some of which are mock databases and others of which are real databases.

This is also much more than just an efficiency issue (or at least a run-time efficiency issue). The relationships in your code should be meaningful. When somebody sees (public) inheritance, that should tell them something about the design. As you've outlined it in Java, however, the public inheritance relationship involved is basically a lie -- i.e. what he should know from it (that you're dealing with polymorphic descendants) is an outright falsehood. The C++ code, by contrast, correctly conveys the intent to the reader.

To an extent, I'm overstating the case there, of course. People who normally read Java are almost certainly well accustomed to the way inheritance is typically abused, so they don't see this as a lie at all. This is a bit of throwing out the baby with the bathwater though -- instead of seeing the "lie" for what it is, they've learned to completely ignore what inheritance really means (or just never knew, especially if they went to college where Java was the primary vehicle for teaching OOP). As I said, I'm probably somewhat biased, but to to me this makes (most) Java code much more difficult to understand. You basically have to be careful to ignore the basic principles of OOP, and get accustomed to its constant abuse.

Some key advice is "prefer composition to inheritence", which is what your MyClassForTesting has done with respect to the Database and Api. This is good C++ advice too: IIRC it is in Effective C++.

It is a bit rich for your friend to claim that using polymorphism is a "dreadful hack" but using templates is not. On what basis does (s)he claim that one is less hacky than the other? I see none, and I use both all the time in my C++ code.

I'd say the polymorphism approach (as you have done) is better. Consider that Database and Api might be interfaces. In that case you are explicitly declaring the API used by MyClassForTesting: someone can read the Api.java and Database.java files. And you are loosely coupling the modules: the Api and Database interfaces will naturally be the narrowest acceptable interfaces, much narrower than the public interface of any concerete class that implements them.

More importantly, you cannot create templated virtual functions. This makes it impossible to test functions in C++ which use templates, by using inheritance, and therefore testing by inheritance in C++ is unreliable as you cannot test all classes that way, and definitely not every use of a base class can be substituted with that of a derived class, especially w.r.t instantiating templates of them. Of course, templates introduce their own problems, but I think that's beyond the scope of the question.

You're throwing inheritance at the problem but really it's not the right solution- you only need to change between the mock and the real at compile time, not at run time. This fundamental fact makes templates the better option.

In C++, we don't forget the virtual keyword, we just don't need it, because run-time polymorphism should only occur when you need to vary the type at run-time. Else, you're firing a rocket launcher at a nail.





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