
Cocoa Distributed Objects

I've given myself a headache trying to figure out how to run this Distributed Objects demo. I can run it just fine locally on the same machine.

Here's the situation. I have a Server App that spawns a Client App [with OpenGLView] on a remote machine.

I can do this easy with AppleScript.

The Client App seems to Vend it's OpenGLView window OK:

clientPort = [[NSSocketPort alloc] initWithTCPPort:SERVER_PORT];
if(clientPort == nil) continue; else NSLog(@"Port OK");

clientConnection = [NSConnection connectionWithReceivePort:clientPort sendPort:nil];
if(clientConnection == nil) continue; else NSLog(@"Conn OK");

[[NSSocketPortNameServer sharedInstance] registerPort:clientPort name:@"DOTest3_0"];

//Vend Object
@try {
[clientConnection setRootObject:object];
NSLog([NSString stringWithFormat:@"Port %d: Vend OK", (SERVER_PORT + i)]);
} @catch (...) {
NSLog([NSString stringWithFormat:@"Port %d: Vend Next", (SERVER_PORT + i)]);

The Server App finds the Port and Connection, but Raises a TimeOut exception:

// Create temporary Pointer to kGLView Object.
  id <NSCoding, kGLViewProtocol> openGLView;

      // Setup Port, Connection, & Proxy
      portTest =开发者_运维问答 (NSSocketPort *)[[NSSocketPortNameServer sharedInstance] portForName:@"DOTest3_0" host:@"*"];
      if (portTest == nil ) continue ; else NSLog(@"Port OK");

      connTest = [NSConnection  connectionWithReceivePort:nil sendPort:portTest];
      if (connTest == nil ) continue ; else NSLog(@"Conn OK");

      openGLView = [[connTest rootProxy] retain];
      if (openGLView == nil ) continue ; else NSLog(@"OpenGL OK");

      [openGLView drawWithRotation: rotationAngle];


And I can't figure out for the life of Me WHY.

I get in the Console of the Client PC: "Port OK" "Conn OK" "Port 8081: Vend OK"

I get in the Console of the Server PC: "Port OK" "Conn OK" 11/18/09 2:05:36 PM DOTest3[15278] [NSPortCoder sendBeforeTime:sendReplyPort:] timed out (10280263936.092180 280263936.092642) 1

Even if the TimeOuts are both set to 60 seconds.



Server: MacMini OS X 10.5 Client: MacPro OS X 10.6 Remote Login, Management, etc. are all enabled.

EDIT: Taking NSResponder's suggestion, I've Vended the Controller, but it still isn't working.


-(void)vend:(id)object {
  port = [[[NSSocketPort alloc] initWithTCPPort:[self tcpPort]] 

  conn = [[NSConnection connectionWithReceivePort:port sendPort:nil] 

  for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    [[NSSocketPortNameServer sharedInstance] registerPort:port
                                                     name:[[self portName] stringByAppendingFormat:@"_%d", i]];
    @try {
      [conn setRootObject:object];
    } @catch (...) {
      NSLog(@"Vend Next");
  NSLog(@"Vend Failed");

Client Controller:

-(id)init {
  self = [super init];

  [self setRotationAngle:0.0f];

  clientObj = [[Client alloc] initWithName:@"DOTest4" 
                                   Address:@"" // mini

  [clientObj vend:self];

  return self;

Server Controller:

-(IBAction)rotateClient:(id)sender {
  NSArray *vendedObjects = [serverObj getVendedObjects];
  id <NSCoding, ClientController_Protocol> proxy;

  if (vendedObjects != nil) {
    for (int i = 0; i < [vendedObjects count]; i++) {
      proxy = [vendedObjects objectAtIndex:i];
      [proxy rotate];
    // release
  [vendedObjects release];

Server/(grabs Vended Objects)

-(NSArray *)getVendedObjects {

  NSArray *vendedObjects = [[[NSArray alloc] init] retain];
  NSSocketPort *port;
  NSConnection *conn;

  for (int i = 0; i< 10; i++) {
    // Get Port Object
    port = (NSSocketPort *)[[NSSocketPortNameServer sharedInstance] 
                           portForName:[[self portName] stringByAppendingFormat:@"_%d", i]
                           host:[self addressRemote]];
    if (port == nil) continue;
    // Create Connection with Timeouts
    conn = [NSConnection connectionWithReceivePort:nil sendPort:port];
    if (conn == nil) continue;

    [conn setReplyTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)60.0];
    [conn setRequestTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)60.0];

    // Get VendedObject of Connection
    vendedObjects = [[vendedObjects arrayByAddingObject:[conn rootProxy]] retain];

  return vendedObjects;

Sigh... I'm sure I'm just overlooking something REALLY cocoa-basic here.


I've never seen anyone attempting to vend a view or a window across a DO link, and I'm surprised that it worked even on the local host. Anytime I've used DO, it's been from objects in the controller layer of the server to a corresponding controller in the client.





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