
Anyone know how to use the jQuery Gallery View Plugin?

I found the jQuery Gallery View plugin because I was looking for a good way to cycle through pictures including text and one that was well designed. This plugin does not seem to be updated anymore and does not have much documentation so I am having difficulties implementing it. Does anyone have an idea as to how it works?

Thanks in advance for any help you can give.

Heres the code I have now (of course with the pictures at the right locations just n开发者_运维问答ot possible to attach in jsfiddle): http://jsfiddle.net/chromedude/GgusY/

Here's a start.

I'm taking a total guess at what your markup is supposed to be, because you were missing a bunch of </div> (close div) tags.

Things I had to change to get it this far:

  1. Download galleryview-2.1.1.zip, and from that file...
  2. Paste in contents of galleryview.css and jquery.galleryview-2.1.1js into the fiddle (normally you'd do this with proper external scripts and stylesheets)
  3. Fix the markup so that all those <div class="panel"> tags are properly closed
  4. Get a copy of jquery.timers-1.1.2.js onto the page

Step 2: got the loader image working by hosting the loader.gif file on imgur and editing the CSS accordingly.

Themes are tougher, because apparently, this genius™ plugin tries to figure out where your themes are hosted based on the location of the <script> tag which was used to load the galleryview plugin code. Absolute genius... </sarcasm>

Check it out →

no more image 404s. Loaded next.gif, prev.gif, panel-nav-next.gif, and panel-nav-prev.gif onto imgur so that jsfiddle can actually get the images.

I had to actually edit the plugin source for this one; if your server has the directory structure that galleryview expects, this should not be necessary.

Now here's the thing

You could keep wrestling with this plugin.

Or, you could use a different one, like Galleria. As far as I can tell from the example you've been trying to assemble, Galleria does all the same stuff. Since Galleria is actively maintained, you should actually be able to use it with a reasonably recent version of jQuery, as well as actually get support for it from the developer.

Get the latest version of jquery gallery view here:


Then following on from that: http://jsfiddle.net/chromedude/GgusY/

$('#photos .filmstrip').galleryView({ panel_width: 800,
panel_height: 300,
frame_width: 100,
frame_height: 100 });





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