jQuery XML: Count number of leaf nodes
How can I 开发者_开发知识库count the number of leaf nodes coming off a particular XML node using jQuery?
The XML in question looks similar to this. I want all leaf nodes coming off the <Errors>
In this example I want <ErrorTag/>
and <ErrorTag2/>
counted only. The result should therefore be 2
. Also <ErrorParentCat>
is an example tag, there could be many within <Errors>
with different names.
Once I have the number I would like a list of these leaf nodes too, if possible.
Assuming you already have an XMLDocument
named xml
var $xml = $(xml),
count = $xml.find('*').filter(function ()
return $(this).children().length === 0;
You can also just pass the XML string directly to the jQuery function:
var $xml = $('<Errors><ErrorParentCat><ErrorTag/><ErrorTag2/></ErrorParentCat></Errors>');
// the rest is the same
jsfiddle demo →
Edit you said you wanted a list of those leaf nodes. In the code above, you've already got them:
var $xml = /* whatever */,
$leafNodes = $xml.find('*').filter(function ()
return $(this).children().length === 0;
count = $leafNodes.length;
Edit #2 as Tim Down has pointed out (see comments below), you cannot just pass the XML string to $()
in IE (!@#$ing IE). You should use the jQuery 1.5 function $.parseXML()
to parse an arbitrary well-formed XML string into an XMLDocument
var xmlDoc = $.parseXML('<Errors><ErrorParentCat><ErrorTag/><ErrorTag2/></ErrorParentCat></Errors>'),
$xml = $(xmlDoc);
/* the rest is unchanged */
new jsfiddle demo →
Loads of ways to do this:
var countThem = 0;
type: "GET",
url: 'blahblah.xml',
dataType: ($.browser.msie) ? "text/xml" : "xml",
success: function(xml) {
var xml2 = load_xml(xml);
alert($(this).text()); //alert the contents
alert(countThem); //alert the total number
and the XML load function:
function load_xml(msg) {
if ( typeof msg == 'string') {
if (window.DOMParser)//Firefox
parser=new DOMParser();
}else{ // Internet Explorer
data=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
} else {
data = msg;
return data;