Win CE Calendar :Add Appointment ::Need help :appointment:save->E_outofmemory
I am trying to add appointment to calendar (using pimstore.lib n .h) using win ce...I am trying as follows: CoCreateInstance(CLSID_Application, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IPOutlookApp, reinterpret_cast(&polApp)) polApp->Logon(NULL); polApp->CreateItem(olAppointmentItem, (IDispatch**)&pAppt); HRESULT hr = polApp->GetDefaultFolder(olFolderCalendar, &pFolder); hr = pFolder->get_Items(&pItems); hr = pItems->Add((IDispatch**)&pAppt); hr = pAppt->Save(); 开发者_开发问答 save giving me outofmemory exception.....May i know the reason plz.....
thanks in advance
Are you sure you have PIM on Windows CE? I can't find support for that on MSDN.
As far as I know only Windows Mobile has Outlook from MS.
Can you post links to the documentation you are using?