
DatabaseDesign: Break Rules of normalitaion because of logic differnce or not?

I have a huge database. In this Database I have a User-Table.

In this User-table I have all information I can get about an user - adress, username, weight, haircolor and so much more (50-80 coloums I guess).

Now I will have User-settings.

Of course, 1 user can only have 1 setting, so its a 1:1-connection and in the rules of normalitation that I learned years before, the settings should go as a coloum in the user-table.

But logicaly its a big difference between user-information like an adress I will display for user / admins and settings for the website behauvior for an user.

What should I do? Own table for UserSettings and b开发者_JS百科reak the rules of normalitation for big logic difference OR put the settings as coloums in the User-Table and do not break the rules of normalitation for big logic???

Complete normalization is rarely the right approach for large complex databases.

Always think through the pros and cons of your models. Consider the following: Complexity, Performance, Maintenance, Evolution.

If your database is part of an evolving system, then you will almost certainly be changing your models (tables) and relationships at some point in the future.

As a rule of thumb, keeping your models close to real life will bring benefits in the long term. Especially when your client / user comes back with a new feature request.

Try to consider how you model your data in different ways. For example: Your current 'User' record sounds more like a 'Contact' record. Contact records may have other uses than storing system settings - Therefore keeping the two models as separate tables would be the correct solution - Even if the relationship does start out as 1:1.

Creating a separate table for user settings does not break the rules of normalization. If it makes sense for other reasons then I suggest you do it.

It's ok to break the tables apart- for example, the RDBMS very well may be able to avoid a lot of disk seeks (or reading a lot of unneeded data) when reading rows. It depends on your app and how it queries the data.





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