
flow-based traffic classification for traffic shaping

I’m wondering if there are ways to achieve flow-based traffic shaping with linux. Traditional traffic shaping approaches seem be based on creating classes for specific protocols or types of packets (such as ssh, http, SYN or ACK) that need high troughput.

Here I want to see every TCP connection as a flow characterized by a certain data-rate. There’ll be

  • quick flows such as interactive ssh or IRC chat and
  • slow flows (bulk data) such as scp or http file transfers

Now I’m looking for a way to chara开发者_如何学运维cterize / classify an incoming packet to one of these classes, so I can run a tc based traffic shaper on it. Any hints?

Since you mention a dedicated machine I'll assume that you are managing from a network bridge and, as such, have access to the entirety of the packet for the lifetime it is in your system.

First and foremost: throttling at the receiving side of a connection is meaningless when you are speaking of link saturation. By the time you see the packet it has already consumed resources. This is true even if you are a bridge; you can only realistically do anything intelligent on the egress interface.

I don't think you will find an off-the-shelf product that is going to do exactly what you want. You are going to have to modify something like dummynet to be dynamic according to rules you derive during execution or you are going to have to program a dynamic software router using some existing infrastructure. One I am familiar with is Click modular router, but there are others. I really dont know how things like tc and ipfw will react to being configured/reconfigured with high frequency - I suspect poorly.

There are things that you should address ahead of time, however. Things that are going to make this task difficult regardless of the implementation. For instance,

  1. How do you plan on differentiating between scp bulk and ssh interactive behavior? Will you monitor initial behavior and apply a rule based on that?
  2. You mention HTTP-specific throttling; this implies DPI. Will you be able to support that on this bridge/router? How many classes of application traffic will you support?
  3. How do you plan on handling contention? (you allot for 'bulk' flows to each get 30% of the capacity but get 10 'bulk' flows trying to consume)
  4. Will you hard-code the link capacity or measure it? Is it fixed or will it vary?

In general, you can get a fairly rough idea of 'flow' by just hashing the networking 5-tuple. Once you start dealing with applications semantics, however, all bets are off and you need to plow through packet contents to get what you want.

If you had a more specific purpose it might render some of these points moot.





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