
is there a way in Simulink to use the same set of blocks on multiple signals (without copying those blocks)?

I am implementing some head tracking and I get 2 matrices of horizontal velocities. (A vector field decomposed into vertical and horizontal velocities). For each of these matrices I do some math to calculate the actual head tracking.

My question is, is there a way to do that math (which is a set of blocks) on both matrices without copying the math blocks onto each signal?

It's hard to explain so here's a screen shot of my model:

is there a way in Simulink to use the same set of blocks on multiple signals (without copying those blocks)?

You can see that the "complex to real-imag" block has 2 outputs (this is the little one in the middle). The mean block and the integrator circuit then calculate the head velocity and position for the real matrix (horizontal position). I want to do exactly the same routine on the imaginary matrix (vertical direction). Obviously I c开发者_StackOverflowan just copy the blocks, but surely there must be a better way of doing it? In a way I'm looking for an analogue of a loop in "normal programming" like C or something, where a block of code is executed several times on different inputs.

You can create a Library in Simulink that contains code you can reference multiple times.

Go to File -> New -> Library. In the model window that opens, you can create any number of subsystems with whatever code you want. Then, just drag a subsystem from the library into your model. The subsystem will now appear in your model with a little arrow icon in the lower left. This indicates that the subsystem in the model is a link. You can drag as many instances of the library subsystem into your model as you wish, just as you can call a function as many times as you wish in any other programming language.

If you right-click on the subsystem in your model, you can select "Link Options -> Go To Library Block" to get back to the library. You can make changes in your model and propogate them back to the library as well.

One way to easily reuse a set of blocks is to create a subsystem out of them. In your case, you can create a subsystem by grouping existing blocks, then simply copy and paste your subsystem to use it for your imaginary output.

Although potentially more complicated, you could also look into using mux signals to avoid having to copy parts of your model.





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