
MySQL String Comparison with Percent Output

I am trying to compare two entries of 6 numbers, each number which can either can be zero or 1 (i.e 100001 or 011101). If 3 out of 6 match, I want the output to be .5. If 2 out of 6 match, i want the output to be .33 etc.

Here are the SQL commands to create the table

(sim_key int,
 string int);

INSERT INTO sim (sim_key, string)
VALUES (1, 111000);

INSERT INTO sim (sim_key, string)
VALUES (2, 111111);

My desired output to compare the two strings, which share 50% of the characters, and output 50%.

Is it possible to do this sort of 开发者_JAVA百科comparison in SQL? Thanks in advance

This returns the percentage of equal 1 bits in both strings:

select bit_count(conv(a.string, 2, 10) & conv(b.string, 2, 10))/6*100 as percent_match
from sim a, sim b where
a.sim_key=1 and b.sim_key=2;

As you store your bitfields as base 2 representation converted to numbers, we first need to do conversions: conv(a.string, 2, 10), conv(b.string, 2, 10).

Then we keep only bits that are 1 in each field: conv(a.string, 2, 10) & conv(b.string, 2, 10)

And we count them: bit_count(conv(a.string, 2, 10) & conv(b.string, 2, 10))

And finally we just compute the percentage: bit_count(conv(a.string, 2, 10) & conv(b.string, 2, 10)) / 6 * 100.

The query returns 50 for 111000 and 111111.

Here is an other version that also counts matching zeros:

select bit_count((conv(a.string, 2, 10) & conv(b.string, 2, 10)) | ((0xFFFFFFFF>>(32-6))&~(conv(a.string, 2, 10)|conv(b.string, 2, 10))))/6*100 as percent_match
from sim a, sim b where
a.sim_key=1 and b.sim_key=2;

Note that, while this solution works, you should really store this field like this instead:

INSERT INTO sim (sim_key, string)
VALUES (1, conv("111000", 2, 10));

INSERT INTO sim (sim_key, string)
VALUES (2, conv("111111", 2, 10));

Or to update existing data:

UPDATE sim SET string=conv(string, 10, 2);

Then this query gives the same results (if you updated your data as described above):

select bit_count(a.string & b.string)/6*100 as percent_match
from sim a, sim b where
a.sim_key=1 and b.sim_key=2;

And to count zeros too:

select bit_count((a.string & b.string) | ((0xFFFFFFFF>>(32-6))&~(a.string|b.string)))/6*100 as percent_match
 from sim a, sim b where
 a.sim_key=1 and b.sim_key=2;

(replace 6s by the size of your bitfields)

Since you are storing them as numbers, you can do this

SELECT BIT_COUNT(s1.string & s2.string) / BIT_COUNT(s1.string  | s1.string)
FROM sim s1, sim s2
WHERE s1.sim_key = 1 AND s2.sim_key = 2




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