
Which is easier: Blackberry Webworks SDK or Adobe AIR for Playbook Tablet for CRUD/WCF developement? [closed]

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I want to create a 1.0 application that uses WCF calls with the Blackberry Playbook Tablet.

Which technology is easier to make a CRUD application using WCF: Webworks, or Playbook?

The WCF service is very flexible in how calls are done... javascript, soap, etc, so I just want to know what client technology will help me churn out a quick productivity application?

It would be great if you can mention what is a closer fit to my skillset as well: C#, Javascript, and to a lesser extent CSS

You'll probably want to go with WebWorks, which is HTML + JavaScript. Less of a learning curve for you, plus you don't need to buy any tools.

I've been finding Sencha Touch plus WebWorks to be a great combination.





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