Get a specific bit from byte
I have a byte, specifically one byte from a byte array which came in via UDP sent from another device. This byte stores the on/off state of 8 relays in the device.
How do I get the value of a specific bit in said byte? Ideally an extension method would look the most elegant and returning a bool would make the most sense to me.
public static bool GetBit(this byte b, int bitNumber)
//black magic goes here
Easy. Use a bitwise AND to compare your number with the value 2^bitNumber, which can be cheaply calculated by bit-shifting.
//your black magic
var bit = (b & (1 << bitNumber-1)) != 0;
EDIT: To add a little more detail because there are a lot of similar answers with no explanation:
A bitwise AND compares each number, bit-by-bit, using an AND join to produce a number that is the combination of bits where both the first bit and second bit in that place were set. Here's the logic matrix of AND logic in a "nibble" that shows the operation of a bitwise AND:
& 0011
0001 //Only the last bit is set, because only the last bit of both summands were set
In your case, we compare the number you passed with a number that has only the bit you want to look for set. Let's say you're looking for the fourth bit:
& 00001000
00000000 //== 0, so the bit is not set
& 00001000
00001000 //!= 0, so the bit is set
Bit-shifting, to produce the number we want to compare against, is exactly what it sounds like: take the number, represented as a set of bits, and shift those bits left or right by a certain number of places. Because these are binary numbers and so each bit is one greater power-of-two than the one to its right, bit-shifting to the left is equivalent to doubling the number once for each place that is shifted, equivalent to multiplying the number by 2^x. In your example, looking for the fourth bit, we perform:
1 (2^0) << (4-1) == 8 (2^3)
00000001 << (4-1) == 00001000
Now you know how it's done, what's going on at the low level, and why it works.
While it's good to read and understand Josh's answer, you'll probably be happier using the class Microsoft provided for this purpose: System.Collections.BitArray It's available in all versions of .NET Framework.
public static bool GetBit(this byte b, int bitNumber) {
return (b & (1 << bitNumber)) != 0;
should do it, I think.
This is works faster than 0.1 milliseconds.
return (b >> bitNumber) & 1;
another way of doing it :)
return ((b >> bitNumber) & 1) != 0;
Using BitArray class and making an extension method as OP suggests:
public static bool GetBit(this byte b, int bitNumber)
System.Collections.BitArray ba = new BitArray(new byte[]{b});
return ba.Get(bitNumber);
try this:
return (b & (1 << bitNumber))>0;
The method is to use another byte along with a bitwise AND to mask out the target bit.
I used convention from my classes here where "0" is the most significant bit and "7" is the least.
public static class ByteExtensions
// Assume 0 is the MSB andd 7 is the LSB.
public static bool GetBit(this byte byt, int index)
if (index < 0 || index > 7)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
int shift = 7 - index;
// Get a single bit in the proper position.
byte bitMask = (byte)(1 << shift);
// Mask out the appropriate bit.
byte masked = (byte)(byt & bitMask);
// If masked != 0, then the masked out bit is 1.
// Otherwise, masked will be 0.
return masked != 0;
Try the code below. The difference with other posts is that you can set/get multiple bits using a mask (field
). The mask for the 4th bit can be 1<<3, or 0x10, for example.
public int SetBits(this int target, int field, bool value)
if (value) //set value
return target | field;
else //clear value
return target & (~field);
public bool GetBits(this int target, int field)
return (target & field) > 0;
** Example **
bool is_ok = 0x01AF.GetBits(0x10); //false
int res = 0x01AF.SetBits(0x10, true);
is_ok = res.GetBits(0x10); // true
enum Relays : byte
relay0 = 1 << 0,
relay1 = 1 << 1,
relay2 = 1 << 2,
relay3 = 1 << 3,
relay4 = 1 << 4,
relay5 = 1 << 5,
relay6 = 1 << 6,
relay7 = 1 << 7
public static bool GetRelay(byte b, Relays relay)
return (Relays)b.HasFlag(relay);