
Get notification when a new drive is connected via USB or other means (C#)

I need to detect when a new drive is plugged into a Windows system through a USB port, firewire port, etc. I am aware of the WM_DEVICECHANGE mess开发者_如何学Goage, but this requires a window to be open in order to use it. Is there a way to create a background process in C# that detects when new drives are plugged in?

Background info: I am wanting to write this app to remove a worm from company removable drives. Regular antivirus software is failing to removing it. We have a script that will remove the worm, but it must be run manually, which is not good enough to contain the outbreak.

A windows service should do the trick

Try reworking the CodeProject DriveDetector as a service and you should have what you need

You will need to subscribe to RegisterDeviceNotification, and bind it to a service status handle. See also http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/netfxbcl/thread/9ae4478a-1133-44ba-8a1c-3e4be3856e37.

I'm not quite sure how to implement this, has been a long time ago.

This blogpost show how to handle system events, https://web.archive.org/web/1/http://blogs.techrepublic%2ecom%2ecom/howdoi/?p=135 maybe you can use it for the event that you want to handle

You may create a hidden window or run a service as it should work with a window handle or a service status handle.





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