
Does textfield can overlap the label at JDialog form?

i'm having trouble with my gui... want to have a background image using "label" and then there's an overlapping "text field"... i use "label" (at swing controls) so i can import an image.. and then thinking to overlap a text field.. but that doesn't work, coz every time i drag the text field.. my layout got ruined... can you help me or suggest better solution to my problem.

i just want to show an instruction with a background 开发者_Python百科image in my gui..

thnx in advance :)

Have you tried using a JLayeredPane ? From the Swing tutorial, it exactly looks like the required component in your case.

You can add images on a JLabel. If you want to add other components on top of the image you have to add the image to a JPanel. This way you will have layout control. There is a number of steps involved for this solution:

  1. Create a class that extends JPanel and includes a reader and and a paintComponent

    public class ImageJPanel extends JPanel {
        public ImageJPanel() {
           try {
              myImage = ImageIO.read(new File("singer.jpg"));
           } catch (IOException ex) {
               System.out.println("No image! " + ex.getMessage());
    public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
        g.drawImage(myImage, 0, 0, null);
    private BufferedImage myImage;}
  2. Set the layout of your JDialog to BorderLayout.

  3. Add another JPanel p, make it non opaque in order to see the image, p.setOpaque(false); with the JTextFields, JLabels etc. to your contentpane.

  4. Add an ImageJPanel instance to the center of your Border Layout.

Here is a sample constructor for a Tester class that extends JDialog:

public Tester() {
    setLayout(new BorderLayout());
    JPanel myImagePanel = new ImageJPanel();
    JPanel workPanel = new JPanel();
    workPanel.add(new JLabel("a label"));
    workPanel.add(new JTextField(10));




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