Rails doesn't handle params
I'm trying to implement advanced search.
I have this in the model:
def self.filter(params)
params.inject(self) do |scope, (key, value)|
return scope if value.blank?
case key
when :min_size
scope.scoped(:conditions => ["size >= ?", value])
when :max_size
scope.scoped(:conditions => ["size <= ?", value])
scope.scoped(:conditions => ["created_at > ?", 4.weeks.ago])
This is in my controller:
def search
@listings = Listing.filter(params)
respond_to (:html)
and I search with this form:
<%= form_tag '/search', :method => "get" do |f| %>
<%= text_field_tag :min_size, params[:min_size] %>
<%= text_field_tag :max_size, params[:max_size] %>
<%= submit_tag "Search", :name => nil %>
<% end %>
When I'm trying to search Rails seems to ignore all the params passed and finds all the entries with the last case switch ("created_at > ?", 4.weeks.ago). Params, however, do 开发者_StackOverflowpass:
Started GET "/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&min_rent=10&max_rent=35" for at Mon Jan 31 12:25:40 +0500 2011
Processing by ListingsController#search as HTML
Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "min_size"=>"40", "max_size"=>"50"}
Listing Load (1.1ms) SELECT "listings".* FROM "listings" WHERE (created_at > '2011-01-03 07:25:40.978742') AND (created_at > '2011-01-03 07:25:40.980977') AND (created_at > '2011-01-03 07:25:40.982080') AND (created_at > '2011-01-03 07:25:40.983077') AND (created_at > '2011-01-03 07:25:40.984138')
What might be the problem here? In console it works just fine
>> some = Listing.filter(:min_size => 40, :max_size => 50)
=> [#<Listing id: 1, title: "1 br apartment, Paris 16e", address: "1 Rue Monsieur-le-Prince", district: "Paris 6e", size: 42, rent: 2000, created_at: "2011-01-26 18:30:57", updated_at: "2011-01-26 19:00:44">]
I'm guessing the problem is switch-case comparison:
case key
I think from the inject the key is "min_size" not :min_size and that's why it always goes to else branch.
Try changing the code as
when "min_size"
scope.scoped(:conditions => ["size >= ?", value])
when "max_size"
scope.scoped(:conditions => ["size <= ?", value])
and it should work. Maybe :)
You can accomplish this using the Searchlogic gem.
with Searchlogic you can do a greater than/less than search like this:
irb> Listing.search(:size_gt => 10, :size_lt => 100)
in your controller:
def index
@search = Listing.search(params[:search])
in your view:
<%= form_for @search do |f| %>
<%= f.text_field :size_gt %>
<%= f.text_field :size_lt %>
<%= f.submit "Search" %>
<% end %>
urls look like this