
Which Android phones have Large screen sizes

I am trying to figure out which phones have a Large screen size in terms of Android development. Going through the documentation it is a very confusing situation as the Large category also depends on the density of the pixels in the phones screen.

From what I've read it looks like both the EVO and Droid X (who have big screens) are classified as Normal screens with High Density.

Which phones are MDPI/HDPI but also Large Screens?

My endgame here is to support only HVGA and 开发者_如何学GoWVGA screens but I need to make sure I'm not cutting a large portion of the market out.

AFAIK tablets, like the Galaxy of Samsung, have large sizes. In fact, you will want to create separated resources for those kind of devices (you know, values-large, layout-large, raw-large, etc.)

You can use this site to search for Android phones (any phone actually) with various screen sizes:


You can also check here to see what percent of the market has a certain screen density:


Best way to know whether the phones are large screen small screen or medium screen devices is to create a new android project.Place your drawables , layouts etc in the respective folders.For eg: place your layouts in the folders like layout, layout-hdpi,layout-large-hdpi,layout-large-tvdpi(for nexus7),layout-xlarge-hdpi etc.similarly have your drawables placed in the corresponding drawables folder. with an identifier in the layout or in the drawable just to know which layout and drawables are rendered on the device on which you are running your app.





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