
jquery selector not working with [ ]

I'm using jQuery to manipulate form data in an osCommerce instance and I'm having trouble selecting some elements.

The script generates textareas with the id product_description[N], N being the 1, 2, 3...

The problem is that having an id value with [] in it makes jQuery (even regular script) not to select the element and I can't work with it.

I tried swi开发者_JAVA技巧tching the id to underscores, manipulate the information and then change it back to [ ] but I can't even do:


Is there a way to make jQuery to select something like this $('#some[2]').function... ?

If not, If there's another way I can change the ID value then it's ok because I can work as usually and then change it back to the [ ] for the php to recognize that field

Yes, I know, I can select the textarea in another way like by class, but as there are many texareas in te page, I need a unique name and that would requiere editing osCommerce script which I don't want. I plan to contribute my JS to the oscommerce community and for another person to just add a .js is easy, but if they have to edit a php file for the javascript to work it could be either too scary for a newbie or impossible for somebody that already edited it.

Thanks a lot

$("#product_description\\[1\\]").attr("id", "products_description_1");

is the right code, look at "ID-Selector" on jQuery.com

The [] characters are not valid ID characters in HTML4. Don't expect consistent results in different browsers if you use them.


If you just can't control the format of the IDs on the server side, you could do this:


but it will be terribly slow in browsers that don't support querySelectorAll.

(Note that you shouldn't need the \\ here because of the quotation marks around the value.)

Try this:


Note that while this may work, the bracket characters are not valid for use in IDs prior to HTML5 (although they're fine for use in classes).





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