Full outer join - Linq To SQL
I'm trying to use Linq to SQL to do a full outer join. I had this working for a basic example, but it didn't work when each side of the full outer join were generated from another inner join. Below's the code. I realise that this could probably be put into less queries - but I'd rather split them out to make them as readable as possible. Performance isn't an issue in this case.
var productIds = db.OrderItemsIncoming.Select(i => i.ProductID)
.Union(db.OrderItemsOutgoing.Select(o => o.ProductID))
var ordersIn = from o in db.OrdersIncoming
join i in db.OrderItemsIncoming on o.OrderNumber equals i.OrderNumber
select new { o, i };
var ordersOut = from o in db.OrdersOutgoing
join i in db.OrderItemsOutgoing on o.OrderNumber equals i.OrderNumber
select new { o, i };
var fullOuterJo开发者_如何学JAVAinResults = from i in ordersIn
join o in ordersOut on i.i.ProductID equals o.i.ProductID into t
from o in t.DefaultIfEmpty()
where i == null ^ o == null
select new { i, o };
In my test, the ordersIn results is empty, and the ordersOut results has one row in it. So I want the final fullOuterJoinResults to have a row, but it's empty.
Literally a second after I post, I notice an error where I'm not using the productID results anywhere!!! :-/ I'll edit this post with my fix once I've got it working ...
Okay, this seems to work:
var ordersIn = from o in db.OrdersIncoming
join i in db.OrderItemsIncoming on o.OrderNumber equals i.OrderNumber
select new { o, i };
var ordersOut = from o in db.OrdersOutgoing
join i in db.OrderItemsOutgoing on o.OrderNumber equals i.OrderNumber
select new { o, i };
var productIds = db.OrderItemsIncoming.Select(i => i.ProductID)
.Union(db.OrderItemsOutgoing.Select(o => o.ProductID))
var fullOuterJoinResults = from pid in productIDs
join i in ordersIn on pid equals i.i.ProductID into t1
from i in t1.DefaultIfEmpty()
join o in ordersOut on pid equals o.i.ProductID into t2
from o in t2.DefaultIfEmpty()
where i == null ^ o == null
select new { i, o };