jQuery: How can I trigger an event when a div comes into view? [duplicate]
Is there some way I can fire an event开发者_JS百科 with jQuery when the page scrolls far enough for a div to come into view?
I think you will have to hook into the scroll event and manually check. Here is a similar question:
Check if element is visible after scrolling
Hope that helps.
If you only need to fire once:
// This is then function used to detect if the element is scrolled into view
function elementScrolled(elem)
var docViewTop = $(window).scrollTop();
var docViewBottom = docViewTop + $(window).height();
var elemTop = $(elem).offset().top;
return ((elemTop <= docViewBottom) && (elemTop >= docViewTop));
// This is where we use the function to detect if ".box2" is scrolled into view, and when it is add the class ".animated" to the <p> child element
if(elementScrolled('. box2')) {
// Your function here
Full answer: https://www.thewebtaylor.com/articles/how-to-detect-if-an-element-is-scrolled-into-view-using-jquery
The waypoints plugin covers this and more. http://imakewebthings.com/jquery-waypoints/
Docs: http://imakewebthings.com/jquery-waypoints/#docs
//do stuff
//bottom-in-view will ensure event is thrown when the element's bottom crosses
//bottom of viewport.
offset: 'bottom-in-view'
A jQuery plugin that adds a bindable 'inview' event for detecting when an element is scrolled into view.
if you want to trigger a function when bottom of view, hit top of your content, you can use this function:
$('.ModuleWrapper').waypoint(function (direction) {
// Codes Here
}, {
offset: function () {
return $(this).height();
or when bottom of view, hit bottom of your content, you can use this function too:
$('.ModuleWrapper').waypoint(function (direction) {
// Codes Here
}, {
offset: function () {
return -1 * $(this).height();
it uses waypoint