
Sharepoint Webparts

When ever I deploy a webpart and try to browse it, It comes up with the following error on the site:

Go back to site


"Cannot complete this action.

Please try again. Troubleshoot issues with Windows SharePoint Services. "

when I go back and open the site the 开发者_如何学运维problem gets fixed.

could anybody point me what cause this error?

Thank you. Hari

The first thing to try would be to turn off custom errors in SharePoint, to do this follow these steps:

  • Navigate to your web.config file (i.e. c:\inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectoriesa\80)
  • Make a backup of your web.config file
  • Open your live web.config file
  • Chnge the 'SafeMode' tag so that CallStack="false" is set to CallStack="true" and AllowPageLevelTrace="false" is set to AllowPageLevelTrace="true"
  • Change the line customErrors mode="On" to customErrors mode="Off"
  • Save and close the web.config file

Now you have done that, you should be able to see the ASP.NET error instead of the sharepoint generic errors. This should give you some more information on the error to allow you to pin point the problem easier.

Hope this helps...

  1. If you are in a farm environment if might have something to do with the web.configs getting updated.

  2. Or it might be that your web part properties are inconsistent, and the first load fails, but corrects the data, and then the web part is okay.





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