.net Can't edit values in Datagridview on Runtime
I created an unbound DatagridView which rows are input manually during runtime and are supposed to be editable.
Using the command DataGridView->Rows->Add(string,..) it creates the row properly but it doesn't allow me to edit the values manually, even though it's not on "Read Only".
The code used for input:
private: System::Void ButtomSave_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) {
String^ folderName;
/*DataGridViewComboBoxColumn^ cmbCol = gcnew DataGridViewComboBoxColumn;
cmbCol->HeaderText = "Sagital/Coronal";
FolderBrowserDialog^ folderBrowserDialog1 = gcnew FolderBrowserDialog;
folderBrowserDialog1->Description="Select the folder containing the image sequences folder";
// Do not allow the user to create new files via the FolderBrowserDialog.
folderBrowserDialog1->ShowNewFolderButton = false;
// Default to the My Documents folder.
folderBrowserDialog1->RootFolder = Environment::SpecialFolder::Personal;
if ( folderBrowserDialog1->ShowDialog() == System::Windows::Forms::DialogResult::OK )
folderName = folderBrowserDialog1->SelectedPath;
array<String^>^subdirectoryEntries = Directory::GetDirectories( folderName );
DataGridViewRow row;
System::Collections::IEnumerator^ myEnum = subdirectoryEntries->GetEnumerator();
while ( myEnum->MoveNext()){
My application is written using Windows Forms in C++ language.
thanks in advance
Problem solved. I had to set the whole datagridview as "Read Only" (I'm familiar with Qt).
To clarify my own question, to make the datagridview cells editable right click on it, then properties->behaviour section->ReadOnly->False (it's True by default).
Thanks for the replies
Can you actually add a string to the row? Wouldn't you have to create a Row object to add to the collection?