
page loading slow down?

When i enter username and password on my site. if the username and pasword are correct, then i have a c# method called on Page_Load for database (which delete the non-required records). if there is one record or 100, i still have to wait for the page load 开发者_如何学编程until that process is completed :( I am using this string to load all the files, which will be then used to compare files HttpContext.Current.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath; how ever if i used a static path i.e : c:/images, then things goes bad :( so what could be the possible solultion ?

You can start the record removal asynchronously:

  • Asynchronous Operations (ADO.NET)

Then your Page Load will occur before the removal operation is finished.

EDIT: Since you mention that you are using an Access DB, I guess that you are not losing the time by deleting the records but by some other operation (I suspect closing the DB, see my comment to Amir's answer). The thing you should do now is to benchmark, either by using a tool (see this question) or "manually", using the Stopwatch class. Any way, before you try to optimize, use one of these methods to find out what is really causing the delay.

Use Ajax and make it async as a web service.

Edit1: What I mean is to move the code in the Page_Load into a web service method, then call that web service from javascript after the page loads, sending it the information it needs to properly perform your operation, thus the client side appears more responsive - I make the assumption that the actions taken are not required to properly render your client side code, however if not, you might consider updating the page after the web service returns. This could be done manually, through the built in ajax toolkit or via a library such as jQuery.

This doesn't sound like a async problem to me. Deleting 100 or even 1000 records in a database shouldn't take more than a few milliseconds. If I was to suspect, I would think you have not set up your indexes correctly. So instead of deleting those records using a quick index, it needs to look through every record and see if its a match.





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