
Redirect user back to the original action after login

The sequence of actions that I am trying to accomplish is below.

Context: user can add products to its own account.

  1. User tries to add a specific product. (He/she is not login at this point.)
  2. In the code behind, I need to redirect the user to login page before I can 开发者_如何学运维add the product to user's account.
  3. After login, how do I take the system back to the logic to finish up the action in step 1.


When you redirect to the login page, add the original URL in the querystring.
After a successful login, send a to the URL from the querystring.

Assuming you are using FormsAuthentication, if you are not, or don't know what to use, check it out here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/xdt4thhy.aspx

OK, so when your user tries to access a page that is protected (i.e. they have to be logged it), ASP.NET's forms authentication will send them to the login page, which is best set up in the web config:

<authentication mode="Forms">
   <forms loginUrl="~/Public/Login.aspx" defaultUrl="~/Public/Default.aspx"/>

It will also attach a ReturnUrl query string parameter to the that, so the login page knows where they came from: http://www.example.com/Public/Login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fprivate%2forderproduct.aspx

Then, in your login page, assuming that they have successfully authenticated, you set the authentication cookie and redirect them back from whence they came:

FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage(someUserIdentifier, isRememberMeSet);

Of course, if you don't want to use FormsAuthentication, you can still use the concept of the return URL. Forms authentication just gives you a lot of that for free.





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取 消

