
Android how to pass a variable to another java file

In Reminder1.java I开发者_如何学Go have the int hourOfDay2 and int minute2 variables. These equals with the hourOfDay and minute variable of the TimePickerDialog. In myfile.java i want to examine the value of these variables. How to do that?

One thing I've seen posted here on SO a few times, and that I've used for global variables, is an extended Application class, like so:

public class GlobalVars extends Application {
    private static int hourOfDay2;
    private static int minute2;

    public static int getHourOfDay() {
        return hourOfDay2;

    public static int getMinute() {
        return minute2;

    public static void setHourOfDay(int hour) {
        hourOfDay2 = hour;

    public static void setMinute(int minute) {
        minute2 = minute;

Add it to your Application tag in the manifest, like so:

<application android:name=".GlobalVars" />

Then, in your main class's onCreate, or wherever necessary, just call GlobalVars.setMinute(int) to initialize them, then you can access them the same way in any other class, with int x = GlobalVars.getMinute().

In android, you can use Bundle to pass values.





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