jQuery and animating around a central point
I would like to know the best way to animate an element in a circular motion around a central point?
I couldn't quite figure it out... :(
开发者_开发问答Thanks in advance.
Use the jquery.path plugin, and here is a demo.
(found it from another question: How would you animate something so that it follows a curve?)
easiest i can think of is:
- make the central point position relative
- make the animated element to be child of above
- calculate the top, left using:
math.sin(time * (angle /second)) * distance
simple demo:
var elem = $('h1:eq(0)')
.append('<span id="round" style="position:absolute;background-color:red;"> </span>')
var i = 0;
elem.css({'left': Math.sin(i * 0.02) * 100, 'top': Math.cos(i * 0.02) * 100});}, 100);
See it in action at jsfiddle.