SQL Server triggers and sqlalchemy interference problem. Help needed
I need to have a kind of 'versioning' for some critical tables, and tried to implement it in a rather simple way:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Address] (
[id] bigint IDENTITY(1, 1) NOT NULL,
[post_code] bigint NULL,
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Address_History] (
[id] bigint NOT NULL,
[id_revision] bigint NOT NULL,
[post_code] bigint NULL,
CONSTRAINT [PK_Address_History] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([id], [id_revision]),
CONSTRAINT [FK_Address_History_Address]...
CONSTRAINT [FK_Address_History_Revision]...
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Revision] (
[id] bigint IDENTITY(1, 1) NOT NULL,
[id_revision_operation] bigint NULL,
[id_document_info] bigint NULL,
[description] varchar(2开发者_运维问答55) COLLATE Cyrillic_General_CI_AS NULL,
[date_revision] datetime NULL,
and a bunch of triggers on insert/update/delete for each table, that is intended to store it's changes.
My application is based on PyQt + sqlalchemy, and when I try to insert an entity, that is stored in a versioned table, sqlalchemy fires an error:
The target table 'Heritage' of the DML statement cannot have
any enabled triggers if the statement contains
an OUTPUT clause without INTO clause.
(334) (SQLExecDirectW); [42000]
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]
[SQL Server]Statement(s) could not be prepared. (8180)")
What should I do? I must use sqlalchemy. If one can give an advice to me, how can I implement versioning without triggers, it'd be cool.
You should set 'implicit_returning' to 'False' to avoid "OUTPUT" usage in query generated by SQLAlchemy (and this should resolve your issue):
class Company(sqla.Model):
__bind_key__ = 'dbnamere'
__tablename__ = 'tblnamehere'
__table_args__ = {'implicit_returning': False} # http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/dialects/mssql.html#triggers
id = sqla.Column('ncompany_id', sqla.Integer, primary_key=True)
I cant seem to add a comment so adding another answer.
It's not that complicated and I would suggest it's less fragile than putting 1/2 your business logic in your domain and the other half in your database trigger.
Personally I would write my own list object with a reference to the history list for the some_list_of_other_entities and in the Remove and Add methods maintain your history records.
This way your objects are automatically up to date before even saving them into your ORM.
public class ListOfOtherEntities : System.Collections.IEnumerable
// Add list stuff here...
public void Remove(MyEntity obj)
this.History.Add(new History("Added a object!");
public void Remove(MyEntity obj)
this.History.Add(new History("Removed a object!");
This way your objects are automatically up to date before even saving them into your ORM and another developer looking at the code can see what you have done quite easily.
This won't answer your question directly but in my experience using Triggers leads to endless pain so avoid them at all cost. If you manage all of the data yourself then the simple answer is populate the version history tables yourself. It also means you have all of your business logic in one place which is a bonus!