
Is there a language and platform agnostic declarative GUI language that isn't XML?

Basically, I'm looking for a least common denominator declarative GUI language that would be perfectly suitable for rendering with JavaScript to HTML/CSS, with Python to wxPython and with C# to WinForms... emphasis on the least common denominator. Otherwise, I'm perfectly aware this is almost impossible. Basically, JSON for declarative GUIs rather than data.

Oh yeah, and the real kicker: no XML. Period. Ideally, the syntax would be something like Markdown where it doesn't look like code.

If you don't know of any such thing, you can just post some ideas on what you think it should look like and how you think it should (or could) work, because I was planning on 开发者_如何学Ccreating one myself. I'm just making sure I'm not reinventing the wheel.

Sounds like you're tired of XML. If you don't like Snow (see above) try curl http://groups.csail.mit.edu/cag/curl/

Qooxdoo is an awesome GUI technology for the web. There is a new serialization project called Tartan Blueprint that allows the generation of Qooxdoo client apps from serialized JSON. Its pure JSON and OO javascript. No XML. The JSON can be generated by hand or by any code that can generate valid JSON. Take a look...

The announcement: http://news.qooxdoo.org/the-week-in-qooxdoo-2009-10-02

I think it's safe to say after 3 months that the answer is no.

Well, HTML kind of aspires to that. How about wiki markup?

Have you seen Snow?





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