
Google Page Speed Recommendation for Leveraging Browser Caching

Well, I'm trying to optimize my application and currently using page speed for this. One of the strongest recommendations was that I needed to leverage browser caching. The report sent me to this page:


In this page there is this quote:

If the Last-Modified date i开发者_C百科s sufficiently far enough in the past, chances are the browser won't refetch it.

My point is: it doesn't matter the value I set to the Last-Modified header (I tried 10 years past), when I access and reload my application (always clearing the browser recent history) I get status 200 for the first access, and 304 for the reaming ones.

Is there any way I can get the behavior described in the google documentation? I mean, the browser don't try to fetch the static resources from my site?

You might have better success using the Expires header (also listed on that Google doc link).

Also keep in mind that all of these caching-related headers are hints or suggestions for browsers to follow. Different browsers can behave differently.

The method of testing is a good example. In you case you mentioned getting status 304 for remaining requests, but are you getting those by doing a manual browser refresh? Browsers will usually do a request in that case.





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