
ImageMagick is converting only the first page of the pdf

I am having some trouble with ImageMagick.

I have installed GhostScript v9.00 and ImageMagick-6.6.7-1-Q16 on Windows 7 - 32Bit


When I run the following command in cmd

convert D:\test\sample.pdf D:\test\pages\page.jpg

only the first page of the pdf is converted to pdf. I have also tried the following command

convert D:\test\sample.pdf D:\test\pages\page-%d.jpg

This creates the first jpg as page-0.jpg but the other are not created. I would really appreciated if someone can shed some light on this. Thanks.


I have ran the command using -debug "All"

one of the many lines out put says:

2011-01-26T22:41:49+01:00 0:00.727 0.109u 6.6.7 Configure Magick[5800]: nt-base.c/NTGhostscriptGetString/1008/Configure
registry: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\GPL Ghostscript\9.00\GS_DLL" (failed)

Could it maybe have something to do with GhostScript after all?

You can specify which page to convert by putting a number in [] after the filename:

convert D:\test\sample.pdf[7] D:\test\pages\page-7.jpg

It should have, however, converted all pages to individual images with your command.

By the way if you need to convert first and second pages then provide in array comma separated values

convert D:\test\sample.pdf[0,1] D:\test\pages\page.jpg

Resulting JPEG files will be named:

  • for page 1: page-0.jpg
  • for page 2: page-1.jpg

You can also do

convert D:\test\sample.pdf[10,15,20-22,50] D:\test\pages\page.jpg

Resulting JPEG files will be named:

  • for page 11: page-10.jpg
  • for page 16: page-15.jpg
  • for page 21: page-20.jpg
  • for page 22: page-21.jpg
  • for page 23: page-22.jpg
  • for page 51: page-50.jpg

May be it will help to someone.

According to the site admin at the ImageMagick forum:

ImageMagick uses the pngalpha device when it finds an Adobe Illustrator PDF. Many of these are a single page. Ideally, Ghostscript would support a device that allows multiple PDF pages with transparency but it doesn't...

Easy fix. Edit delegates.xml and change pngalpha to pnmraw.

This worked for me. I don't know if it introduces any other problems however.

See this post from their forums.

I found this solution which convert all pages in the pdf to a single jpg image:

montage input.pdf -mode Concatenate -tile 1x output.jpg

montage is included in ImageMagick.

Tested on ImageMagick 6.7.7-10 on Ubuntu 13.04.

I ran into similar problem with GhostScript. This can be solver with using %03d iterator in the output file name. Here is example:

gs -r300 -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE#pngalpha -sOutputFile=output-%03d.png input.pdf

Here is the reference with detailed information: https://ghostscript.com/doc/current/Devices.htm





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