
Updater of system in PHP for customers

.. and sorry for my english ..

I have开发者_开发问答 something like IS written in PHP and I would like to make updating system for my customers. Here is my vision:

  • I upload new version to ftp server (or web server)
  • After click on update, system should compare version (done), backup old scripts (done) and make update like rsync. Delete deleted, change changed, add new files and folders.

For rsync I have to make ssh hole to my server and I don't want to do it. I found zsync, but it is designed for files, not for folder system.

Is there any easy way to do it? Some smart linux utility or some already done script in PHP?

Thanks for answers!

rsync can run on its own port, without any ssh involved at all: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync#Rsync Daemon

But this assume you're comfortable allowing the world at large to access your program. Do you want to restrict it to just your customers?

You could also publish your source via git; git can also run as a daemon http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/git-daemon.html without requiring ssh. Again, it assume you're comfortable with the world at large getting your program.





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