Filtering a comboxes remote store locally in ExtJs
I have an ExtJs combobox. Its store loaded using JSON (using 开发者_如何学CMyStore class below). I want to load all the values to the store, and then filter them with the text entered in the combo's textfield (preferably using the typeAhead feature).
The problem is that I want to do the filtering on the client side (combo's mode property is 'remote', by default). I don't want my combo to reload its store every time I type something. How can I do that?
Here's my store class :
MyStore = Ext.extend(, {
constructor: function(jsonUrl, storeId, id, description, isAutoLoad, cfg) {
cfg = cfg || {};, Ext.apply({
storeId: storeId,
root: 'result',
url: jsonUrl,
autoLoad: isAutoLoad,
fields: [
name: id
name: description
}, cfg));
And the combo :
xtype: 'combo',
fieldLabel: 'The Combo',
width: 150,
store: myStoreData,
valueField: 'id',
displayField: 'name',
minChars : 0,
editable : false,
itemId : 'my-combo'
To achieve this you must:
- Construct MyStore class with "isAutoLoad" config option as "true"
- In your combobox config set the "mode" config option to "local" (see Built the combo config code bellow for another config)
Here is my short example:
Construct myStoreData variable
var myStoreData = new MyStore({
autoLoad: true, //so the store will load automatically
Built the combo config
xtype: 'combo',
fieldLabel: 'The Combo',
width: 150,
store: myStoreData,
// myStoreData is already loaded before as it have 'autoLoad' config set to true
// and act as localstore to populate the combo box item
// when the combo "mode" config set to 'local'
valueField: 'id',
displayField: 'name',
minChars : 0,
editable : true, //before was editable : false,
itemId : 'my-combo',
mode: 'local', // by default this was mode: 'remote'
typeAhead: true // by default this was typeAhead: false
You will want to use the store.filter() method. You can use this to use user-entered information to filter your store that the combo box uses. This is taken from the ExtJS API documentation for
property : 'name',
value : 'Ed',
anyMatch : true, //optional, defaults to true
caseSensitive: true //optional, defaults to true
//filter functions can also be passed
fn : function(record) {
return record.get('age') == 24
scope: this
In my case I had to add the config option lastQuery:''
to the combo.
explanation :
Add listener to your store on 'load' event, do filtering, by removing or flagging records, if removing it is clear load to combo component, if flagging you need to recognize those flaggs in combo and display or not...
It hard to go with more details if I do not see your code for store and combo, so I can give you only general idea