How do I use cvResize/resize correctly?
I have trouble resizing a 6x6 image to 120x120. It looks like the resized image is somewhat shifted by 1 开发者_如何学Gopixel. This happens with the cvResize and with cv::resize. My code looks like this:
warpPerspective(greyImg, warpedImg, homography, Size(6, 6));
Mat bigWarpedImg = Mat(120,120,CV_8UC1);
resize(warpedImg, bigWarpedImg, Size(0,0), 20, 20, INTER_NEAREST);
warpedImg looks like this (I resized it with gimp to make it easier to recognize):
bigWarpedImg looks like this:
As you can see, in bigWarpedImg the left and upper border is to small whereas the right and bottom border is too thick. It looks like a bug in OpenCV. Is this one or do I use this function incorrectly?
Mat bigWarpedImg = Mat(120,120,CV_8UC1);
this line is unneccessary - resize
will allocate the target Mat
to make it fit, so Mat bigWarpedImg
would be fine.
Not sure about the resizing - I always use the
resize(warpedImg, bigWarpedImg, Size(120,120), 0, 0, INTER_NEAREST);
form of resize
and never noticed such behaviour. I'd say it's a bug though, from the documentation it shouldn't act like that.
It could be because you're using nearest interpolation. Try the better ones (I think bicubic).