Distinct and group by at the same time in LINQ?
Let say I have the following classes:
Product { ID, Name }
Meta { ID, Object, Key, Value }
Category { ID, Name }
Relation {ID, ChildID, ParentID } (Child = Product, Parent = Category)
and some sample data:
ID Name
1 Chair
2 Table
ID Object Key Value
1 1 Color "Red"
2 1 Size "Large"
3 2 Color "Blue"
4 2 Size "Small"
ID Name
1 Indoor
2 Outdoor
ID ChildID ParentID
1 1 1
2 1 2
3 2 1
Can we use Distinct and Group by to produce the following format (ProductDetail)
{ ID=1, Name="Indoor" },
{ ID=2, Name="Outdoor" }
Properties { Color="Red", Size="Large" }
{ ID=1, 开发者_运维技巧Name="Indoor"}
Properties { Color = "Blue", Size = "Small" }
which we can get the "Color" value of the first item by using
Any helps would be appreciated!
No, you can't do this based on what you've said - because "Color" and "Size" are part of the data, rather than part of the model. They're only known at execution time, so unless you use dynamic typing, you're not going to be able to access it by Properties.Color
You could, however, use Properties["Color"]
var query = from product in db.Products
join meta in db.Meta
on product.ID equals meta.Object
into properties
select new { Product = product,
Properties = properties.ToDictionary(m => m.Key,
m => m.Value) };
So for each product, you'll have a dictionary of properties. That works logically, but you may need to tweak it to get it to work in the entity framework - I don't know how well that supports ToDictionary.
EDIT: Okay, I'll leave the above up as the "ideal" solution, but if EF doesn't support ToDictionary, you'd have to do that part in-process:
var query = (from product in db.Products
join meta in db.Meta
on product.ID equals meta.Object
into properties
select new { product, properties })
.Select(p => new {
Product = p.product,
Properties = p.properties.ToDictionary(m => m.Key,
m => m.Value) });
I just came across this question while learning LINQ, but I wasn't satisfied that Jon's output matched the question (sorry Jon). The following code returns a List of anonymously-typed objects that better match the structure of your question:
var ProductDetails = (from p in Product
let Parents = from r in Relation
where r.ChildID == p.ID
join c in Category on r.ParentID equals c.ID
into RelationCategory
from rc in RelationCategory
select new
join m in Meta on p.ID equals m.Object into ProductMeta
select new
Parent = Parents.ToList(),
.Select(p => new
Properties = p.ProductMeta
.ToDictionary(e => e.Key, e => e.Value)
Credit goes mostly to Jon Skeet and the Visual Studio debugger ;)
I realise that you've probably moved on by now but hopefully this might help someone else looking to learn LINQ, as I was.