T-SQL: SELECT related column data for the max two other columns
I have table data like the following, where order type is 1 for a quote, and 2 for an order. Any given po_num can have 0 to many of order_type 1, but should only have only 0 or 1 of order_type 2, or all of the above.
I need to return the max order_num of the max order_type of a given po_num, where the orde开发者_如何转开发r_num is just an additional (but important) column in my result.
Table data:
order_type po_num order_num
1 E0102 1013200
1 E0102 1013162
1 E0104 1012161
2 E0104 1012150
1 E0104 1011449
2 E0107 1010034
2 E0108 1011994
Desired result:
order_type po_num order_num
1 E0102 1013200
2 E0104 1012950
2 E0107 1010034
2 E0108 1011994
The closest I can get is this, which still includes the max(order_no) for both order_type of 1, and order_no of order type 2:
order_type po_num order_num
1 E0102 1013162
1 E0104 1012161
2 E0104 1012150
2 E0107 1010034
2 E0108 1011994
I think you want this:
select order_type
, po_num
, max(order_num)
from orders o1
where order_type = (
select max(order_type)
from orders o2
WHERE o2.po_num = o1.po_num
group by po_num,order_type
The inclusion of order_type in the group by is an artifact, it is required because of how the table is designed.
FWIW, the quotes and orders should be split out into two tables. When you get weird SQL like this an difficult or conditional unique constraints it is a table design issue.
I assume you are using a group by clause. Could you add a
having order_type = max(order_type)
to your sql?
See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms180199.aspx for more details on the 'having' statement.