
Are circular unit references in the uses list possible in delphi?

I am translating some C header files to Delphi.

In those header files, two files share their struct with each other.

When I tried this in Delphi, it gave me circular reference error.

So I am currently writing both header's translation in single .pas file.

Is there any other way to g开发者_JS百科et around this problem?

This is a small example.

The actual header files are more complicated :\


struct a
int data;
int compare(struct a,struct b);


struct b
int data;
int compare(struct A,struct b);


uses File2;
  a = packed record
    data: Integer;

compare = function(d1: a; d2: b): Integer; cdecl;


uses File1;
  b = packed record
    data: Integer;

compare = function(d1: a; d2: b): Integer; cdecl;

As Eugene points out circular interface unit references are not possible in Delphi. There are a few possible solutions:

  • Move the shared struct to a third unit and let the other two units include this unit.
  • Move one of the unit references to the implementation section (if this is possible).
  • Keep all in one file as you mention

Note that the fact that Delphi forces you to think about circular references is not a bad thing IMHO. In many cases, these circular references draw your attention to a flaw in your design.

Yes, you can't make the units reference each other in "interface" section. Move "uses" clause of one file to implementation section. This is a limitation of pascal.





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